Thursday, March 29, 2012

Governing by CBR

Written and posted by:  Steven Egay, GCES Batch 1983

This coming April 8, 2012 there will be a grand reunion of all graduates of the Gigaquit Central Elementary School (GCES). Aside from the reunion, the main agenda to be tackled is the process of organizing the GCES Alumni Association (GCESAAI).

Although am the one who took the initiative in organizing the GCESAAI, i am sure several people have thought of doing this before. Maybe the time was not ripe that is why there was no previous attempts.

So why do it now? I have to give the credit to Mr. Roy Pepino who gave me the inspiration to take action. He is the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) President of the whole Gigaquit DEPED District aside from being President of the GCES PTA. I have been working with him early last year for the Gigaquit Civic Club scholarship project, and along the way he mentioned the problems they have regarding the facilities of the Gigaquit Central Elementary School. He is a very valuable figure in the realization of building new classrooms in GCES under the KALAHI-CIDSS project of the government. But much still needs to be done and so there the impetus for me to take action. I am a GCES alumni and its a pity if i just standby on the side doing nothing. Something could be done. Alone I cannot do it but am sure with the combined "powers" of all GCES alumni this will not be wishful thinking for very long.

The second person i have to be thankful for is Mr. Dominic Larong, the current principal of the GCES and an alumni also. When i broached the idea to him around the middle of last year (2011) there was no second thoughts or hesitations on his part. A BIG YES came out immediately. We met last August 31, 2011 at the GCES. That time I went home to Gigaquit to attend the town fiesta and also for the purpose of discussing with Principal Dominic face to face the things to be done to organize the GCESAAI.

We owe to Principal Dominic and to his organizing committee members the preparations of this April 7 and 8 grand reunion.

What is CBR?

CBR stands for Council of Batch Representatives. This is the idea i discussed with Principal Dominic on the system of governing the GCESAAI. This is similar to the parliamentary form of government. It works like this . . .

- Each batch will send a representative to the CBR (with 2 reserve nominees). It is up to them how they will choose their batch representaives. But they should choose those who are based within the mainland of Surigao del Norte so there will be no problem with the attendance. In case of absence of a representative, he maybe replaced by the 2nd nominee and if both are not available, by the 3rd nominee.

- The representatives from all batches will compose the CBR. This will be the main body that will run the GCES alumni. From their ranks they elect the following:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Assistant Secretary
- Treasurer

- In the CBR, each batch is entitled to one vote only

- The CBR should discuss issues as a group and decide based on consensus as much as possible. In this system, whatever ideas from down to the top, or from top to bottom can be cascaded efficiently via the representatives of each batch. All batches will have the chance to be heard and be informed.

- The CBR is a sort of Expanded Board of Directors. In case the GCESAAI will be registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission in the future, the CBR may appoint among their ranks the Board of Directors which is maximum of 15 members only as prescribed by law. However, the CBR being the Expanded Board of Directors should be the one to discuss and approve matters. The Board of Directors who are also CBR members should just execute what is voted upon by the CBR.

This is an idea in progress so will update from time to time whatever developments that will come up.

Good luck to all CGESians!

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